To artists

Dear artists, our fairytales really need you!

All fairytales that you can see on the main page are waiting to be found by an illustrator.

You can write and illustrate your own fairytale, work together with a fairytale's author, or choose to illustrate a tale from the selection on our website.

Please let us know which fairytale you have chosen, and send pictures for the header - 1920x500px and square pictures for the body of a tale no smaller than 720x720px. You can use different proportions for your pictures, based on the options given in the example. The example of how illustrations can be arranged on a page:

Please indicate clearly where your illustrations should be put in the body of your chosen text. If you are working in a graphic editor, we recommend 100ppi resolution and RGB.

You can always send your questions and suggestions via email:, or find us in Fairytales for Girls vk public group.
Если у вас возникнут вопросы, вы можете отправить их нам на почту,
или написать их в сообщения группы "Сказки для девочек".